takahē Short Story Competition 2021
First Prize: $300
Second Prize: $150
Entries to be received, no later than Tuesday 31st August 2021
Long and short lists will be announced, and the winning story will be published in the December issue – takahē 103 print/on-line issue. All entries will be considered for publication.
This year our poetry competition will be judged by
Andi Buchanan
Andi C. Buchanan is a writer and editor who lives in Lower Hutt. Winner of the 2020 Sir Julius Vogel Award (novella/novelette) for From a Shadow Grave (Paper Road Press, 2019), their short fiction has appeared in Fireside, Apex, Kaleidotrope, Glittership, and more. Andi has edited 12 issues of Capricious magazine (one of which made the Otherwise/Tiptree Award Honor List, and co-edited 3 anthologies of short fiction. You can find them on Twitter @andicbuchanan or at https://andicbuchanan.org).
Conditions of Entry:
- Each entry must be the original work of the person submitting it. Entries must not have been broadcast or published in any form (including webzines or personal blogs). If any entry is accepted for publication in any form or wins a prize in another competition before the results of the takahē 2021 competition are announced, it must be withdrawn. (There will be no refund of the entry fee).
- Maximum length for each story submitted is 2,500 words. Please enter the word count with your story on the entry form. Stories longer than 2,500 words will be disqualified with no refund of entry fee.
- Entrants may submit as many previously unpublished stories as they wish, but each must be named separately on the entry form. Please use ONE entry form for all your stories.
- Please use a separate document for each of your stories.
- The entry fee is $10 per story.
- For subscribers, the third story is free.
- Entries will be accepted by email only. Please:
- Pay the entry fee by direct credit to takahē Collective Trust
02-0800-0420716-00, Reference=surname, Particular=Fiction Competition. - Email your entry to comps@takahe.org.nz
- Attach your stories and entry form to the email. These must be Word or PDF documents (that is .doc or .docx or .pdf). Please do not send other types of file as we may not be able to read them.
- Attach a screenshot of your payment to your email making sure it shows the takahē Collective Trust account number and your surname.
- Pay the entry fee by direct credit to takahē Collective Trust
- Overseas entrants ONLY may pay using our PayPal account. Please use the email accounts@takahe.org.nz to access this and send the PayPal receipt with your entry and entry form, as an email attachment.
- The entrant’s name, initials or pseudonym must NOT appear on the stories or the title of the files that contain your stories.
- Worldwide copyright of entries will remain with the author, but all entries received will be considered for publication in takahē magazine, unless they are withdrawn.
- The judge’s decision will be final and no correspondence will be entered into. Any entrant breaching this condition will be disqualified.
- The results and judge’s comments will be published in the December 2021 print/online issue of the magazine, available on our website https://www.takahe.org.nz
Only those placed will receive individual notification of the results. - No member of the takahē board is eligible to enter the competition
- In the event of the competition being cancelled, entry fees will be refunded.