takahē 112

Motherless Mother: Danielle Heyhoe
The Solace of Shrinking: Greg Jackson
I am the Walrus: Tara Black
Deep Waters: David Hill
East Wind: Hillary McDonald
Hotaru: Samantha Oakley
Tree Fellas: Hayden Pyke
Guest Poetry
Poems: Talia Marshall
The Gift: Johanna Aitchison
Columbus: Simon Anton Niño Diego Baena
Two Poems: Tony Beyer
my 16 paid jobs: Janet Charman
Two Poems: Ion Corcos
four rhyming tercets: Brett Cross
Two Poems: Zoë Deans
Nightcaps: Oliver Floodsmith-Ryan
Salt of the earth: Jackson
Quilt run: Kai Jensen
Two Poems: Sascha Letica
Rules for Living: Rose Peoples
My New Year’s Resolution Is to Turn into a Refrigerator: Harriet Prebble
Voicenotes: Sara Qasem
Brown Eyes: Kristan Saint-Preux
Promising Mercy: Nigel Skjellerup
silly goose: Zephyr Zhang
Bad Archive, by Flora Feltham
Edith Collier: Early New Zealand Modernist, by Jill Trevelyan, Jennifer Taylor and Greg Donson
Forms of Freedom, by Dougal McNeill
Kataraina, by Becky Manawatu
Poorhara, by Michelle Rahurahu
Shadow Worlds, by Andrew Paul Wood
The Fight for Freshwater: A Memoir, by Mike Joy
The Mires by Tina Makereti
The Royal Free by Carl Shuker
Whaea Blue by Talia Marshall
2024 Monica Taylor Poetry Prize Winner
The old man and the tree: Denise O’Hagan
Published by The Takahē Collective Trust.
Chair: Zoë Meager, Erica Stretton; Art and Comics Editor: Andrew Paul Wood; Fiction and Comics Editor: Zoë Meager; Poetry Editor: Erik Kennedy; Essays Editor: Kelly Ana Morey; Reviews Editor: Ash Davida Jane, Angelique Kasmara; Cover Design: Maurice Lye; Board Secretary: Melanie Kwang; Treasurer: Sam Dollimore; Marketing: Zoë Meager; Website Manager: Erica Stretton; Copy Editor: Philippa Tucker; Competition Secretary: Anjula Prakash; Fiction Readers: Lyndsey Knight, Melanie Kwang, Margaret Moores, Norman Penaia, Leanne Radojkovich, Rebecca Reader, Ruby Solomon, Rebecca Styles, Clare Travaglia, Philippa Tucker, Karen Tay, Kathryn Van Beek, Jill Varani, Latika Vasil.
The Takahē Collective Trust affirms and upholds the principles of Te Tiriti o Waitangi. Between 1989 and 2022, we published takahē magazine in various digital and print forms from our base in Ōtautahi, and the Trust acknowledges Kāi Tahu as the kaitiaki and takata whenua of that land. Since 2023, the magazine has been published digitally by a more geographically dispersed team. The Trust recognises the mana whenua of all iwi throughout Aotearoa, as well as the traditional owners of other lands.
takahē is produced with the support of Creative NZ.