Tag: t110

And you say ‘green’

Kārerarerapale like fresh growthof māhoe across Zealandia’svalley in spring, or atasty Granny Smithto be cooked up in a pudding Kākārikia beautiful rich green, like (obvs)the native parrot that Mumbred out at the farmwith red or yellow crownsand cheeky little chatters Kārikiuridark green like a Christmas treewith spiky upturned branchesthat give ‘the finger’or my old school…

Pet Lessons

I don’t see cats chatting with their mates, lamenting their work performance,dissecting their every yowl and mew,wishing they’d said it differently,if they should have stayed late, wonderinghow the other cats might judge them. I don’t see dogs lying awake at nightturning that conversation over and overin their minds, worrying over it like they woulda bone. They…

#550 Lost Chickpeas

Turmeric stains my fingers yellow,real tears adding salt that this curry doesn’t need.I replay the wordsover and over       and overin my head—they rollaround like chickpeas                                          on the floor. There are traces     of you     in this kitchenif you know where to                                        look—cloves I…

Too Soon Tanka

1. sleep found me last nightsoaked in slumber depths of blackit didn’t warn meof the dull ache on wakingor the fate of the harsh sun 2. strobe glare of morningtightened eyes stretching with squintmirrors my bellylife inside still there and yetnot the same as yesterday 3. noon light is unsureringtone wait with steady breathcome and…

half a hāngī heart

i grew up surrounded by the two shades that make up me brown and cream                                                                                                         mixed together, the cultures b…l…e…n…d                                                                                                                           i                                                             l                                                          u                                                       t                                                                                         reduce. until what’s left?  to some i am Pākehā  grew up in a household with narrow noses, pink cheeks, light hair but what about the other part? biological disregard handed me…

Rite of Passage

you thought age would make you imperviousto everything, that dimmer lightwould give you an alluring profile,or heartache would help youwrite better poems. not gifted in metaphor, I thoughtyou looked like a postcard from the side:something inviting but impersonalabout that tucked-in chin,the high sweep of your cheekbones like a proud-winged bird. I remember youstanding in my…

I stand

I thought I stood among giantsBut some of them were snakesCold to my vulnerabilityI’m more potoroo than python I do not hiss, I scurryI do not fight, I run I thought I was not worthyAs I am no giantIn their presence I felt meekI’m more a pleaser than a wheeler-dealer I do not shout, I…

Dear Lorraine

I found one of your letters, the guidelines on the airmail-ruled Croxley pad ignored. ‘I am woman hear me ROAR’defied the narrow, pale blue corridors. Words I wanted my mother to say, but she couldn’t. You could. Thank God you could. My mother only yelled at me from my lounge,‘Remember Lorraine? She’s dead.’ What she really meant…

This skin

Today I didn’t goto any of the funky cafes—organic, vegan, artisan,bike shop, plants— Craving impersonal service,urban anonymity, I cameto the chain cafe in the little mall.Sticky tables, eggy smell, and looksfrom local matrons. My mother’s remembered voicesays Well, you willgo around lookinglike that— But it’s this skin I feel happy in.Yesterday on the swim-with-dolphins boata…

Visiting the Sick

We head north in a great March,Travellers in a Coke can,Leaning forward on the Kilmog,Reclining on the plain,Gauging how far?How far now?How far again. I tell of yesteryear’s cars:The Mirage and the Gemini,The Starlet with sheep damage.Heavy, bronze and frosted,Ancestral vehicles:Our lineageIn the garage. Why are cars stellar, cosmic,But shuttles named for the gods?Launched into…