A Gentle Radical: The Life of Jeanette Fitzsimons
Rebecca Styles reviews “A Gentle Radical: The Life of Jeanette Fitzsimons” by Gareth Hughes
Rebecca Styles reviews “A Gentle Radical: The Life of Jeanette Fitzsimons” by Gareth Hughes
Hester Ullyart reviews “Everyone is everyone except you” by Jordan Hamel
Roger Boyce reviews “Bordering on Miraculous” by Lynley Edmeades and Saskia Leeks
Tim Jones reviews “Ten Acceptable Acts of Arson: and other very short stories” by Jack Remiel Cottrell for t105
More than a roof: Housing in Poems and Prose edited by Adrienne Jansen, Joan Begg, Rebecca Chester, Wesley Hollis, Roman Ratcliff. Wellington: Landing Press (2021). RRP: $25.00. Pb, 222 pp. ISBN:978-0-473-58894-6. Reviewed by: S J Mannion This is a varied and timely collection by a cornucopia of creative writers and poets. There is a great variety…
The Lobster’s Tale by Chris Price and with photography by Bruce Foster. Massey University Press (2021). RRP: $45. Hb, 96 pp. ISBN: 9780995137813. Reviewed by: Jana A Thea The Lobster’s Tale, written by Chris Price and with photography by Bruce Foster, is truly an interdisciplinary volume – not only between written and visual arts but…
Island Notes: Finding my place on Aotea Great Barrier Islandwritten by Tim Higham, illustrated by Harry Higham. Wellington: Cuba press (2021). RRP: $38.00. Pb, 162 pp. ISBN: 978-1-98-859540-5. Reviewed by: M Oliver “I am not here to work on this island. It is here to work on me.” (Talking to trees, p. 134) The ‘work’…
AUP New Poets 8. Lily Holloway, Tru Paraha, Modi Deng. Edited and with a foreword by Anna Jackson. Auckland University Press, ISBN: 20219781869409456. RRP: $29.99. 120 pp. Review by Mary Cresswell. Lily Holloway, Tru Paraha and Modi Deng all share a skill in moving beyond traditional poetry constraints in this collection. Each of them sustains…