108 Reviews

108 Reviews

  • A Bloody Difficult Subject: Ruth Ross, te Tiriti o Waitangi and the Making of History
    A Bloody Difficult Subject: Ruth Ross, te Tiriti o Waitangi and the Making of History by Bain Attwood. AUP (2023). …
    BITER by Claudia Jardine. AUP (2023).  RRP: $24.99.  Pb, 76 pp.  ISBN: 9781776711017.  Reviewed by Andi C. Buchanan. About halfway through her…
  • Calamities!
    Calamities! by Jane Arthur. THWUP (2023). RRP: $25.00.  Pb, 72 pp.  ISBN: 9781776920723.  Reviewed by Hester Ullyart There is an unapologetic…
  • Dream Girl
    Dream Girl by Joy Holley.  Te Herenga Waka University Press (2023).  RRP: $30.00.  PB, 236pp.  ISBN: 9781776920846.  Reviewed by Naomi Mary…
  • Everything is Beautiful and Everything Hurts
    Everything is beautiful and everything hurts by Josie Shapiro. Allen & Unwin (2023). RRP: $36.99. 287 pp. ISBN: 978-1-991006-44-8. Reviewed…
  • How to Loiter in a Turf War
    How to Loiter in a Turf War by Coco Solid.  Penguin Books (2022).  RRP: $28.00.  Pb, 176 pp.  ISBN: 9780143778585.  Reviewed…
  • Iris and Me
    Iris and Me by Philippa Werry. The Cuba Press (Ahoy! Imprint).  RRP: $25.00.  Pb, 182 pp.  ISBN: 9781991950844.  Reviewed by S…
  • Letter to ’Oumuamua
    Letter to ’Oumuamua by James Norcliffe.  OUP (2023) RRP: $25.00. Pb, 96 pp. ISBN 9781990048517.  Reviewed by Ray Shipley ‘Oumuamua,…
  • The Artist
    The Artist by Ruby Solly.  THWUP (2023).  RRP: $30.00.  Pb, 142 pp.  ISBN: 9781776920709.  Reviewed by Isla Martin Ruby Solly’s The…
  • Āria
    Āria by Jessica Hinerangi.  AUP (2023). RRP: $35.00. Pb, 86pp. ISBN: 9781991154149. Reviewed by Māia Te Whetū Luminous and dripping…