My parents made some love and here I am

but there’s a lot of detail I don’t have
though I guess I could ask them but they don’t
know that I know what I know that they think
I don’t yet know but that’s why they’re parents
and not children but on the other hand
they have parents, too, though all four are dead
but that’s not my fault, I’m just ten years old
—but I forgot my paternal grandma,
she just acts like she’s dead, ha ha, and on
our last visit to see her she told us
that the doctors told her she was dying
of cancer and on the trip back home
Father pulled over, he was weeping
so much he couldn’t see. So Mother drove.

Gale Acuff has had hundreds of poems published in a dozen countries and has authored three books of poetry. He has taught tertiary English courses in the US, PR China and Palestine.