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Hailman by Leanne Radojkovich. United Kingdom: The Emma Press (2021). RRP: $30.00. Pb, 97pp. ISBN: 9781912915705a. Reviewed by Nod Ghosh. Leanne Radojkovich carries her readers across a range of emotions in Hailman. This is the author’s second book in the short-form. There is nothing ‘showy’ about Radojkovich’s writing. These are the well-honed words of an…

takahē Short Story Competition 2021

First Prize: $300Second Prize: $150 Entries to be received, no later than Tuesday 31st August 2021 Long and short lists will be announced, and the winning story will be published in the December issue – takahē 103 print/on-line issue. All entries will be considered for publication. This year our poetry competition will be judged by…