Category: Latest News

Anne Kennedy

Anne Kennedy

Anne Kennedy’s recent books are The Sea Walks into a Wall, The Ice Shelf, and, as editor, Remember Me: Poems to Learn by Heart from Aotearoa New Zealand. Awards and fellowships include the Prime Minister’s Award for Literary Achievement in Poetry, the NZ Post Book Award for Poetry, and the IIML Writers Residency. Anne is the…


Tēnā koutou katoa  We know how busy December gets for many people, so the takahē team has worked hard to bring you our 109th issue early in the month. We’re sure you’ll find plenty inside from our contributors to challenge, delight, and move you, and hope takahē will find a special spot in your summer…


Tēnā koutou katoa  Welcome to the August issue of takahē! This issue has been a work in progress as we embrace a digital approach, but our writers are as amazing as ever, and the contents brimful of energy and growth—so appropriate for an issue born on the edge of spring.  The leadership and mahi of…

Author Interview

Claudia Jardine Photography by Petra Mingneau We talk to the author of Biter, published April 2023, our guest poet for Takahē 107. The best poetry, like yours, shows strong themes, perhaps what could be called obsessions. Theway you use ‘double-cab utes in an urban environment’ in pieces with completely differentsubjects was really neat. Would you…